Saturday, July 7, 2012

What is day? What is night?

We arrived in Chennai at about 1:30am local time, or 4pm EST. By this point, not only were our bodies thoroughly confused about whether it was day or night, we were exhausted from the travel. After waiting for our checked baggage to get unloaded from the plane, we met up with Dr. Jay and a few representatives from our host university KVCET. We got a full-on sense of Chennai once we left the confines of the airport; the amount of people milling about around the airport, the amount of cars (and accompanying horns) were a little overwhelming. We promptly loaded our luggage and made the 70km trip to the college. The driving style is much more exciting than what we are used to in the U.S., but we made it after about 45 minutes on the highway. We promptly found our rooms and fell asleep.

The following morning we were acquainted with the Director of KVCET. She, along with everyone else we meet, has been extremely accommodating to our needs. After our meeting we went to visit Panchayat Government School in the village of Vaiyavoor., where we will be implementing some of our projects. Panchayat is a small school with about 150 students in grades 1 though 8. All of the teachers and students were very excited for us to be there; each class recited a Tamil rhyme or poem for us as we went from classroom to classroom (we even heard the Indian version of the ABC's in one class).
After visiting the school we made adjustments to our lesson plans and plan to return next week to begin teaching.