Thursday, July 19, 2012


The past day or two has been a little rough for us. We took Nicole to the doctor yesterday morning for food poisoning, and she's been in bed resting since then. Abe stayed in bed this morning too to rest. The food we've been eating seems to have caught up to us and we're all experiencing some digestive issues, to say the least. We're thankful that we've had some down time yesterday and today and the group can rest and take things slowly.
Our phones stopped working yesterday and we're trying to get them turned back on. Apparently there was some issue with our passports as ID and the parent phone company has barred us from making calls or sending text messages.
We figured out what's causing the little red bites on our legs and arms...bed bugs. We did some internet research and found a product that is supposed to help fend them off so we'll be on the lookout for a can of that this weekend.
We're still trying to get our trip to Mahabalipuram this weekend arranged, and hopefully everything works out and we're all feeling up to a trip. The beach (and possibly some western food) is sounding pretty good right now.
On the upside, we've been doing a lot of reading and resting and we think we might even be getting used to the heat (a little bit.) 
Also, we got most of the supplies for our MindTrekkers demonstrations, so be on the lookout for a blog post in the next week or so about our demo day at the Vaiyavoor school!

1 comment:

  1. Bed bugs and food poisoning ... this does not sound like fun! We all hope you get better, and get rid of those bugs.
    Can you live on peanut butter until you get home?
    Love the updates :) Love you!
