Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back to Vaiyavoor...Notebooks in Hand

Today we went back to Vaiyavoor with a plan to gather more information about the needs of the school and village. We met with the headmistress of Panchayat Government School to ask her about the role of the school in the children's lives and its facilities. They expressed a desire for basic amenities (chalk, pencils, soap, etc.) and new bathroom and kitchen facilities. Basically, they are hoping for a commitment to their school from us and continued support throughout the years. We couldn't promise anything to them at this point, but our hope is to build a connection with the school that will be sustained for years to come. We then went to the village president's home to ask her a bit more about the village. She was able to give us a better picture of the type of people that live in the village and the basic needs that they have. We're very pleased with the amount of information that we gathered today, as gathering information is our biggest goal for the trip, and are now working on applying that information to out current projects and projects for future cohorts.

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